Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Interview questions
I am going to ask my questions to a Marine Biologist. They are knowledgeable about the sea and what the sea can do for the environment. I am asking questions about coral reefs and the effects on the environment.  

11.      What do the coral reefs bring to your culture?
22.      What is your favorite kind of coral?
33.      How does the coral help the environment?
44.      How many kinds of fish are in the coral?
55.      How much tourism does the coral reefs bring in?
66.      What is coral?
77.      Why do people destroy the coral reefs by blast fishing?
88.      What would happen if all the coral got destroyed?
99.      Are there laws to protect the coral?

110.  Do you think coral is important to the environment?


  1. I like your questions so far; they look good, they will make a good conversation! I can't wait to see your interview. it is a very cool topic to have too!

  2. I like your questions so far; they look good, they will make a good conversation! I can't wait to see your interview. it is a very cool topic to have too!
